Childhood Vaccination Programme

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● One of the best ways to protect children from getting seriously ill from preventable diseases, like whooping cough and measles, is to make sure they’re up to date with all their routine vaccinations. Not sure? Check their Red Book or contact your GP practice

● Help protect children against preventable diseases by making sure they’re up to date with all NHS routine vaccinations. If you need to check, contact your GP practice and catch up with any missed doses

● Seeing your child get sick is any parent’s worst nightmare, but for preventable childhood illnesses, like #WhoopingCough and #Measles, staying up to date with routine vaccinations can help to protect children from getting seriously ill. Find out more:…/nhs-vaccinations-and-when-to-have…/

● If they’re not vaccinated, they’re not protected.

Vaccinations for preventable illnesses, like #Measles, are free as part of the NHS childhood vaccination schedule. And if you think your child has missed out, you can catch up on any missed doses at your GP practice. Find out more…/nhs-vaccinations-and-when-to-have…/

● Vaccination = protection

Help protect your children against getting seriously unwell from illnesses like #WhoopingCough and #Measles. Check your child’s Red Book to see if they’re up to date, and contact your GP practice to catch up if needed.

● Is your child up to date with their vaccinations? Make sure you check their Red Book or contact your GP practice to find out & book in any missed doses. 📱📅

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