If you’ve been off sick for more than 7 days
If you have been off work for more than seven calendar days you will need a sick note from the GP. There is no charge for such a note. The GP can normally only issue a sick note if he or she has seen you or has received a recent report about your illness from another doctor.
To request a sick note:
- phone or visit the surgery from 10am to 6pm
- complete the form below
Sick Note Request Form
If you’ve been off sick for 7 days or less
If you’re off work sick for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. Instead, they can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work. We call this self-certification.
Find out more about sick notes on the NHS website.
Unfortunately some employers ask their workers to obtain a sick note from the GP for less than seven days absence. In this case we charge a private fee for the sick note.
If you have been in hospital overnight or longer and have had time off work as a result, the hospital is responsible for providing you with a sick note prior to discharge.
If you require a signing off note, you will also need a routine appointment with the GP.
If you already have a current sick note, we are unable to ask a GP to provide another sick note until the day it runs out
The day after your current sick note runs out,
- speak to a member of our Reception Team at our Reception Desk to request another sick note.
- speak to a member of our Reception Team by ringing 01889 572057, Option 1, to request another sick note.
- Send us a message via the Patient Access messaging service. If you are not registered for Patient Access, please follow the Register Now link on the Front Page of our website.
- Send us an email – sandylanesurgery@nhs.net. We are unable to accept requests for appointments via email.
If you don’t have a sick note you will require an appointment with a member of our Clinical Team to assess your condition prior to issuing a sick note:
- speak to a member of our Reception Team at our Reception Desk to book an appointment.
- speak to a member of our Reception Team by ringing 01889 572057, Option 1.
- Book a GP appointment via your Patient Access account.
Your sick note will be ready for collection on the following day.
If you require your sick note urgently, please contact our Reception Team who will check on the progress of your sick note.