Our new Telephone System goes live today!

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Our new telephone system goes live today!

The only change which will affect patients is that you will be unable to use the old direct dial extensions to:

*Results Line

*Practice Secretaries Line

*Long Term Conditions Line

These departments are still available, during specified periods; but please ring the usual surgery number of 01889 572057, and select the option for the department you require.

*Results Line – between 10.00 am – 1.00 pm, Monday to Friday

*Practice Secretaries – between 10.00 am – 1.00 pm, Monday to Friday

*Long Term Conditions Line – Wednesdays and Thursdays, between 8.00 am and 4.00 pm.

Thank you


Our new system will allow us to monitor and audit calls to a greater extent.

Calls to all lines are recorded, to protect our staff.

We have a Zero Tolerance approach to verbal abuse, and action will be taken against any person who swears, shouts at or threatens any member of our Team; either on the telephone or in person.

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