Pertussis (Whooping Cough) vaccination in pregnancy
If you are pregnant please contact us to book your pertussis vaccination.
We will be contacting eligible ladies over the next few weeks.
Whooping cough cases have been rising across England, as well as in many other countries, since December 2023 due to a combination of factors.
Whooping cough is a cyclical disease that peaks every 3-5 years. The last cyclical increase occurred in 2016. However, in common with other diseases, cases fell to very low numbers during the pandemic due to restrictions and public behaviours.
A peak year is therefore overdue.
The impact of the pandemic also means there is reduced immunity in the population.
Uptake of vaccinations that protect against whooping cough have fallen in recent years across the country – in both the programme for pregnant women and the infant programme.
Timely vaccination in pregnancy and in infancy are both important to protect vulnerable young babies from serious disease.
