Feed Back Please

We welcome feedback – both positive and negative – regarding Sandy Lane Surgery.
Praise is always welcome by the Team – and we thank all those who have taken the time to contact us recently regarding their positive experiences.
However, constructive, negative feedback allows us to investigate concerns and to make improvements wherever possible.
There are several ways to provide both positive and negative feedback:-
***Via NHS Choices:
***By direct email to the Practice on sandylanesurgery@staffs.nhs.uk
***By completing a Suggestion / Comments form; available from our Reception Team. Please add your contact details to the form should you require a response.
***By taking part in the Family and Friends Test initiative:-
(1) Via our website (please note that feedback provided via the Practice website is anonymous and we will be unable to provide a response.
(2) By responding to a text message following your appointment. (3) By completing a form at the surgery (available from our Reception Desk).
***By completing a Complaints Form (available on request). You will receive a response to formal complaints made using this method within 2 working days; we will then fully investigate your concerns, and endeavour to provide a written response within 28 working days. Should this not be possible within this timescale, we will inform you, and provide another prospective completion date.
Thank you.