Dr Mukesh Singh (Male)
Senior GP Partner
GMC: 4598749
Senior Partner, The Horsefair Practice Group.
MB BS 1992 Banaras Hindu University.
Dr Singh is a qualified GP Trainer.
Dr Ramesh Subra (Male)
GP Partner
GMC: 5207262
GP Partner, The Horsefair Practice Group.
MB BS 1998 Nagpur University.
Dr Subra is a qualified GP Trainer. Dr Subra is Joint Clinical director for Rugeley and Great Haywood Primary Care Network.
Dr Bukky Oso (Female)
Salaried GP
Dr Oso qualified in 1990 in Nigeria and has been a GP in Rugeley since October 2012. She has special interests in Family Planning, Women’s Health and Medical Education. Dr Oso is a qualified GP Trainer. She is an active member of the Wildwood Christian Fellowship, a church largely involved in community service. She is married, has two daughters and enjoys money raising for charities like Race For Life and Katherine House. In her spare time she is learning to play the guitar and keyboard.
Dr Julia Hook (Female)
Salaried GP
Julia qualified as a doctor in 1991. She has lived and worked all over the UK, Outer Hebrides to Portsmouth and quite a few places in between. She is the Sepsis Lead for the practice.
Dr Kevin Uzoma
Dr Uzoma qualified from the University of Lagos, Nigeria in 2006. He joined the HFPG Sandy lane in 2022. Dr Kevin has a special interest in Occupational Medicine.
Dr Serena Johal (Female)
GMC: 7597583
MB ChB 2018 University of Birmingham
Dr Johal qualified as a doctor in 2018.
Dr Sapna Aggarwal (Female)
GMC: 7285250
Dr Aggarwal qualified as a doctor in 2013. BM 2012 University of Southampton
Training Practice
HFPG-Sandy Lane Surgery is an approved training practice for Training GP’s. All doctors who wish to become GP’s have to spend some of their post-graduate training in a practice, Dr Bukky Oso is currently the recognised trainer but all the doctors in the practice are involved in the teaching and supervision of the current Registrar.
Nursing Team
Jackie Dranginis
Nurse Practitioner
Amanda Shelley
Specialises in Asthma
Tracy Hayward
Cancer Care and Asthma
Jodie Watterson
Taiyla Howard-Shore
Kerry Doyle
Nursing Associate
Specialises in Learning Disability
Jenny Heath
Health Care Assistant
Elizabeth Bayley
Robyn Hibbs
Sandra Bywater
All Practice Nurses are trained in:
- Baby Immunisations
- Cervical cytology
- Ear checks – referral required for ear syringing
- Weight Management
- Chronic Disease Management
- General treatment/nursing care
Practice Team
Mrs Charlotte Marshall
Practice Manager
Management Assistant
Carer’s Champion
Data Quality Team Leader
Data Quality & IT Team
Data Quality & IT Team
Data Quality & IT Team
Data Quality & IT Team
Data Quality & IT Team
Data Quality & IT Team
& Medical Secretary Team
Data Quality & IT Team
& Medical Secretary Team
Medical Secretary Team
Reception Supervisor
Reception Supervisor
Assistant Supervisor
Reception Team
Reception Team
Reception Team
Reception Team
Reception Team
Reception Team
Reception Team
Reception Team
Primary Care Network Team
Gurjot Singh Bhogal
First Point Physiotherapist
Jennifer Wallace
Mental Health Practitioner
Debbie Hill
Social Prescriber
Raabiyah Shah
Practice Pharmacist
Natalie Cooper
Practice Pharmacy Technician
Katie Crutchley
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Carl Pockett
Urgent Care Practitioner
Dhruti Patel
Practice Pharmacist
Sher Khan
Locum Pharmacist
Julian Leese
Community Staff
All the community staff listed below are directly employed by Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust, and work alongside the practice team to provide medical services to patients.
Adult Community Nursing Team
The Adult Community Nursing Service is characterized by a needs led process; which includes assessment, diagnosis, intervention and plan of care. They will:
- Provide a case management approach
- Provide a 24-hour service for both scheduled and unscheduled nursing care
- Provide single point of access for referring professionals
- Deliver rapid assessment, short term issue specific interventions, maintenance care and ongoing long-term care
- Offer patients and carers the choice to have a personalised service within their own home
- Work in partnership with social services, mental health teams and specialist nurses to deliver patient centred, efficient and effective care in the patient’s own home.
Team Leader: Suzy Keeling
Health Visitors
All Health Visitors are qualified nurses and many of them have had midwifery training. They also have a further year’s training in subjects such as Child Development, family structure, community health, the promotion of health in all age groups and psychology, this includes Smoking Cessation Advice.
They work mainly with parents and young children and will visit you soon after you return home with your new baby. They may also visit you during your pregnancy and they work alongside the midwives.
They run Child Health Clinics in the Health Centre premises and work in conjunction with the GP’s in the surgery. They may also prescribe medication for certain minor ailments.
They also work with elderly people, children with special needs and with other age groups, advising them on how to achieve good physical and emotional health.
The Health Visitors set up support groups and provide support in times of stress, anxiety and illness. All this work is kept in strict confidence.
We have baby changing and breast feeding facilities on site
Community Midwife Team
Direct Telephone: 01543 576810 or 576811